

    中 文 英 文
    劣菸劣酒回收銷毀處理辦法 Regulations Governing the recall and destruction for disqualified tobacco or alcohol
    中央菸酒稽查及取締督導小組 Central Supervisory Unit for the Handling of Seizures on Illegal Tobacco and Alcohol Products
    菸酒管理法 The Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act
    進口酒類查驗辦法 The Administrative Regulations Governing the Inspection of Imported Alcohol
    檢舉或查獲違規菸酒案件獎勵辦法 Regulations Governing Rewards for Informing or Discovering Offences of Illegal Tobacco or Alcohol
    菸產製工廠設廠標準 Standards for the Establishment of Tobacco Production Factory
    酒產製工廠設廠標準 Standards for the Establishment of Alcohol Production Factory
    菸酒管理法施行細則 Enforcement Rules of the Tobacco and Alcohol Administration Act
    酒類標示管理辦法 Regulations Governing the Labeling of the Alcohol Products
    未變性酒精管理辦法 Regulations Governing Undenatured Ethyl Alocohol
    菸酒業審查費證照費及許可費收費標準 Fee Standards for Examination of Applications, Issuance of Certification, and Granting of Permission as Charged to Importers and Producers of Tobacco and Alcohol Products
    菸酒查緝及檢舉案件處理作業要點 Directions for the Handling of Seizures and Accusation for Tobacco and Alocohol-Related Products
    農民或原住民製酒管理辦法 Regulations Governing the Production of Alcohol by Farmers or Aborigines
    酒類衛生標準 The Hygiene Standards for Alcohol Products
    菸製造業良好衛生標準 The Sanitation Standards for Tobacco Producers
    酒製造業良好衛生標準 The Sanitation Standards for Alcohol Producers
    優質酒類認證制度 Alcohol Quality Certification System
    中央私劣菸酒查緝督導小組 The Central Supervisory Unit for the Handling of Seizures on Illegal Tobacco and Alcohol Products
    中央私劣菸酒查緝督導考核要點 Guidelines for Central Supervision and Evaluation of Seizure on Illegal Tobacco and Alcohol Products
    酒盛裝容器衛生標準 Hygiene Standards for Alcohol Products Containers
    菸酒業者申請設立及變更許可審查辦法 Regulations Governing the Approval and Review of Establishment and Modification of Alcohol and Tobacco Importer and Producer Licenses
    酒販賣場所設置專區專櫃管理辦法 Regulations Governing Establishing Special Zones or Special Counters for Alcohol Sales Sites
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